Westbrook's Business Services


Getting reliable results from a telecommunications system requires thorough planning, installation and management. Westbrook's IT experts understand every aspect of telecommunications, all the way from planning a strategy, project management, installation, testing, training and implementation.

Technology assessments

The quality, performance and security of your network can be vastly improved with our technology audits. Working together with your in-house team, we analyse your IT infrastructure in order to identify vulnerabilities. We then set priorities that match your personnel and budget requirements.

IT budget planning

The highly trained and experienced project managers at Westbrook's can help you acquire the technology that you need to reach your business objectives while staying within your budget.

Our maintenance agreements give companies complete peace of mind regarding ongoing system upkeep and care. For those who do not wish to commit to a monthly charge we also provide highly competitive rates from £80.00 per hour for ad hoc support on premises, and £40.00 per half hour for remote. 

Additional services

  • network infrastructure planning and installation
  • platform migration
  • product development
  • application development
  • product maintenance
  • systems training


Westbrook's are large enough to cope and small enough to care - if you need help and support contact us now for a no obligation discussion.


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